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    October 1, 2013, many of us know this as the date that the dreaded Affordable Care Act comes into action. That is the date that many Americans have been trying to forget about, and that many have been trying to make it known as the day that the ACA or “Obamacare” DIDN’T come into action. Republican senators like Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) have been leading the fight to defund Obamacare so that many Americans don’t have to worry even more about their healthcare. The House lawmakers passed a budget bill 230-189 on September 20th, two democrats approved of the bill while only one republican was against it. It’s going to the Senate to get voted on now. But it’s being predicted that it will not go any further than the senate, because most of the 46 senate republicans don’t want to stand up and fight against this with Cruz and Lee, and a whole bunch of mad Americans.  


   The Republican Party is in dog mode. 2014 Elections are coming up and everyone would like to keep their job, therefore they’re doing everything they can to do so (or not doing everything…). “They” are telling them to sit down on this and not do anything about it. “They” are saying “STAY with us, don’t defund the Unaffordable Care Act! Oh, and rollover while you’re at it!”


    Senator John McCain said, "In the United States Senate, we will not repeal or defund Obamacare. We will not. And to think we can is not rational…To somehow think we are going to defund it is simply not going to happen at this time, and it will, in my opinion, as it did before, harm the American people's view of the Republican party.”


    That was coming from a man who only 5 years ago chose a VP nominee who did the exact opposite of the “sit, stay, rollover” tactic. The former Governor of Alaska is well known for not sitting down and shutting up. Sarah Palin wrote in an article on Breitbart News (read it here), “Here’s a little newsflash, GOP establishment: Whenever anything bad happens, the media blames Republicans for it. That’s not an excuse to roll over and play dead. It’s a call to follow the advice I give my daughters: Woman up, stand your ground, and fight like a girl!”


    That’s right, GOP, woman up. Don’t rollover on this. You’re worried about those 2014 elections? Just wait until you vote “no” on this.

by Grace Poynter on September 23, 2013

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