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What in the world would a conservative man know about feminism?  As many men will attest, most men have been around women all of their lives.  While I cannot speak for all men, I can speak for myself and I have met feminists of various types.  Some more along the lines of Gloria Steniem and others more along the lines of Sarah Palin.  These are the polar opposites in some regards, and more similar than some might believe.

Pictured below are two pictures of each woman.  One that is close to current, the others when they were young.








































Both of these women displayed their beauty when young in pursuits that they chose for themselves.  Both of these women displayed their pursuit of issues they believed were important.  Both of these women are educated, passionate, driven, and committed.

So what separates these two?  Sarah is a Christian and Gloria while born to one parent who is Jewish, is described in this article as identifying herself as Pagan.

Additionally, Sarah is staunchly pro-life, while Gloria is staunchly pro-choice.  Sarah embodies values that are considered conservative, Gloria embodies values that are considered liberal.  There are many others of course, but for the purposes of this article I am going to focus on these.

Feminism is defined as a social movement that seeks equal rights for women.  One of these modern points of contention that feminism sought to address was voting rights.

This was a hard-fought right that eventually was added to our constitution by the 20th Amendment in 1920.  Men of good character were persuaded and joined with these heroic Americans to enable women to vote.  The 15th Amendment enfranchised freed male slaves.   It took close to 100 years for the country to free and enfranchise the slaves, but even then it took close to another 60 years to enfranchise women.


















Women are of course not a homogenous group.  Attempting to characterize all women based on one issue is as ludicrous as attempting to do the same with men.  God has blessed us with different genders, and as society has grown and changed over the years, men and women have had different ideas of roles, functions and expectations.

Modern feminism has branched out in different directions, but the core definition remains the same.  Women want to be recognized by their merits and quality of character, just like men.  However, some schools of feminism could be characterized as practically anti-male. Others want to attack and demean other women who do not agree with their position on topics such as abortion or lesbianism.  Conservative and liberal feminists are divided largely by their perspectives on issues that affect all women.





















Likewise, with the two women featured in this article, women have castigated each of these two with truly vile images, insults, fabrications, and outright lies.  Their sexuality and bodies have been used by both perspectives to demean, defile, and denigrate.  Even some calling themselves "Christians" have proudly trumpeted these insults.  It is not acceptable, no matter which position you believe to be correct.

If you really respect women, and if you really want women to have equal rights, then it is appropriate to insist that you treat all women, even those you disagree with passionately, with respect.  We are all God's children, sons and daughters.  He loves us all.  Yes, take a stand where you see injustice.  Take a stand when you think something is wrong.  Leave out the sexist comments and images.

I am a Christian conservative, and disagree with much of what Gloria stands for, and I agree with most of what Sarah stands for.  In my opinion, Sarah is an attractive woman, where Gloria is not.  It is not sexist for me to express my opinion on this, because it is not their physical appearance that causes me to support or oppose their positions.  It is simply an observation.  It used to be acceptable in our society to give someone a compliment without being inappropriate.  It used to be acceptable in our society to express an opinion without being labeled as a misogynist or sexist.

I am a conservative.  I prefer Sarah Palin's positions.  We share the same faith which means she has the feminine title of 'sister'.


by Bill Frank on September 4th, 2013

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