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Regarding the Future of Our Country
The Number One Issue Today

by Bill Frank on August 14, 2013

The amount of topics swirling around the future of our country is legion.  The list is long, 


but I contend that the most critical one is the issue of immigration reform.


With a strong favorable nod to the brilliant Ann Coulter, I also assert that if the current 


immigration reform legislation is accepted and passed it will ensure Democratic victories 


in elections of many scopes for many years to come.


Legal immigration is at the core of our nation’s history.  It is an essential thread in the 


fabric of our country’s rich history.  Illegal immigration is the antithesis of this notion.  


Years ago, Phil Collins/Genesis performed a song called “Illegal Alien”.


Genesis - Illegal Alien (1983) - YouTube In today’s climate of political correctness, 


this video and possibly the performers would be castigated and severely ostracized.  


Today, ‘undocumented Americans’ pour effervescently over our border and demand 


more and more things from our government.


Of course all people are people.  Of course Jesus teaches us to love our neighbor.  Delete 


liberal arguments with reason.  This issue is not a humanitarian one.  It is not a racial one.  


It is a financial one.  Illegal immigrants come here to earn money primarily and secure a 


better life for their families.  Sounds reasonable.  But why break the law, cut in front of 


the line of the people coming here legally, and then demand benefits that they have not 


paid a dime for? 


It is a sovereignty issue.  A security issue.  A crime prevention issue.  And the millions 


of illegal aliens that come here will inevitably vote for the democrats that allowed their 


illegal passage to be accomplished with so much more ease than when Phil Collins 


lamented that “Its no fun being an illegal alien”.


Today they are flooding into the USA with the hope that the amnesty inherent in the 


current legislation will enable them to get a legal foothold here.  Despite assurances, I am 


one of many people who do not believe that Marco Rubio is correct.  Our country made 


this mistake once before 1984 - Ronald Reagan on Amnesty - YouTube


Marco Rubio and others in the GOP that are going along with this legislation are 


dooming the GOP to failure.  The border is still out of control.  The promised 700-mile 


fence remains incomplete.  The drug cartels in Mexico and the drug gangs in the USA 


have benefited by the billions of dollars from this lawless border.  Landowners in border 


states have been murdered, brutalized, and their rights squashed by the refusal of our 


federal government to do their constitutional duties.  From Reagan’s time until now, no 


administration, Republican or Democrat, has dealt with this problem effectively.  


Mexico is a tenuous ally at best.  It is a beautiful country in places, and a horrific 


nightmare in other places.  Mexican people have contributed greatly to our country’s 


success in many ways.  Hispanic people from everywhere have as well.  However, it is 


illogical to conclude that being against this legislation is in any way racist.  It is not.


Legal immigrants learn our civics, government, and history.  Most are enthusiastic to be 


a part of this great country.  Illegal immigration by definition is an affront to our system 


of law and order.  We owe illegal immigrants nothing, but a safe humane deportation 


process.  The 14th Amendment should be amended to prevent anchor babies.  Parents

who come here illegally should be deported with their children.  

Our hospitals are overwhelmed, our schools overcrowded, our prisons bursting at the 


seams, all to accommodate illegal immigrants.  The cost to our society in terms of money 


is staggering.  


The USA welcomed my grandfather here in the early 1900s.  He did not speak English, 


had very little education, but came from a family and culture that emphasized hard 


work.  He learned English, raised a wonderful family, started his own business, and was 


materially successful.  He never took anything from the government that he did not earn, 


paid his taxes, create jobs, and actively participated in political discourse with the editors 


of the Chicago Sun Times and Chicago Tribune.  He was known in his community 


as a good man, and practiced Judaism cherishing the 1


 amendment, despite the antiSemitism he encountered along the way.  




My family like many others know what immigration is and what it isn’t.  Illegally 


entering our country and remaining here are crimes.  They should be treated as such.  If 


this legislation passes, millions of illegal aliens will gain legal status to be here, and will 


be ripe for the Democratic Party to scoop up and register.  


The healthcare issue is another Rubicon to cross, but if the immigration bill goes through 


in its current form, it won’t matter as much.  Republicans wont win another election 


for years to come. Obamacare will go through and the White House will go to another 


Democrat.  Our foreign policy that is in shambles at the moment won’t improve.  Further


erosion of our rights will proceed.


Republicans must win in 2014 to stop this immigration bill.  If not, I am not optimistic


for our country’s future.  Watch Ann Coulter explain it in a far better way than I can.  


I couldn’t agree with her more. Did Ann Coulter Save USA with funny & brilliant 

Immigration CPAC Speech? - YouTube

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