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Bloomberg's Big Gulp

by Mariah Boland on August 16th, 2013

Well, I have to say Bloomberg created a lot of attention with his big gulp bans. He wanted to protect his citizens from bad choices. Hmmm...Bad choices?! So let me get this straight, New York City needs a baby sitter for them?! That is truly sad. Let New York City decides what they can and cannot do. They are all old enough. They deserve that freedom. This is a free country after all. Bloomberg did not get his wish, though. A judge ruled his laws unconstitutional. Finally, someone can stand up! It is unbelievable that any politician would do something like this. These politicians must be really greedy if they make these kinds of laws. This mayor got served when his laws were ruled unconstitutional. But what's next? A ban on cookies? Seriously, this is sad. We are a free nation. Let us live that way.

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